Nebula Award Stories Number Three


Condition: Adventurer’s Companion

Size: Small Paperback

Pern (Chronological Order)

Book Blurb

"...the folk-literature of the machine age. W/out the industrial revolution, you might be reading rewrites of the Faerie Queene. But this isn't the case. No. Those antipodal themes, Pygmalion & Frankenstein, are w/us still. Our creations may kill or love. In this sense, the archetypes are still valid & probably always will be. Otherwise, tho, these writers were doing electric things long before Marshall M came along. They project, expand, guess upon & just plain fool around w/themes as current as the headlines & as timeless as Auden's four terms of Darkness, Silence, Nothing, Death."--Introduction The Cloud-Sculptors of Coral/J.G. All summer the cloud-sculptors would come from Vermilion Sands & sail their painted gliders above the coral towers that rose like pagodas beside the highway to Lagoon West.Aye, & Gomorrah/Samuel R. Delany "is a gentleman, an artist, He is gifted with a peculiar insight into the workings of the psyche & the English language. This particular story, however, is very science fiction, i.e. it expands upon, extrapolates, guesses at, a possible thing." Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes/Harlan W/an eight hole-card & a queen showing, w/the dealer showing a four up, Kostner decided to let the house do the work.Gonna Roll the Bones/Fritz All great gamblers have dark-shadowed deep-set eyes. But this one's eyes were sunk so deep you couldn't even be sure you were getting a gleam of them. They were inscrutability incarnate. They were unfathomable. They were black holes.Weyr Search/Anne "This piece...serves to show that, as Dante noted in at least three places, at the end of everything there are always stars."Behold the Man/Michael One of the the most important & controversial tales of the literary New Wave, a metaparable of the Christ story as both a universal cultural myth & a psychological gestalt.Mirror of Ice/Gary "Here is a story of freedom, violence, is something as cold & clean as a bottle of akvavit frozen into a block of ice or the winds that lash the highest mountains."

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Condition: Adventurer’s Companion

Size: Small Paperback

Pern (Chronological Order)

Book Blurb

"...the folk-literature of the machine age. W/out the industrial revolution, you might be reading rewrites of the Faerie Queene. But this isn't the case. No. Those antipodal themes, Pygmalion & Frankenstein, are w/us still. Our creations may kill or love. In this sense, the archetypes are still valid & probably always will be. Otherwise, tho, these writers were doing electric things long before Marshall M came along. They project, expand, guess upon & just plain fool around w/themes as current as the headlines & as timeless as Auden's four terms of Darkness, Silence, Nothing, Death."--Introduction The Cloud-Sculptors of Coral/J.G. All summer the cloud-sculptors would come from Vermilion Sands & sail their painted gliders above the coral towers that rose like pagodas beside the highway to Lagoon West.Aye, & Gomorrah/Samuel R. Delany "is a gentleman, an artist, He is gifted with a peculiar insight into the workings of the psyche & the English language. This particular story, however, is very science fiction, i.e. it expands upon, extrapolates, guesses at, a possible thing." Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes/Harlan W/an eight hole-card & a queen showing, w/the dealer showing a four up, Kostner decided to let the house do the work.Gonna Roll the Bones/Fritz All great gamblers have dark-shadowed deep-set eyes. But this one's eyes were sunk so deep you couldn't even be sure you were getting a gleam of them. They were inscrutability incarnate. They were unfathomable. They were black holes.Weyr Search/Anne "This piece...serves to show that, as Dante noted in at least three places, at the end of everything there are always stars."Behold the Man/Michael One of the the most important & controversial tales of the literary New Wave, a metaparable of the Christ story as both a universal cultural myth & a psychological gestalt.Mirror of Ice/Gary "Here is a story of freedom, violence, is something as cold & clean as a bottle of akvavit frozen into a block of ice or the winds that lash the highest mountains."

Condition: Adventurer’s Companion

Size: Small Paperback

Pern (Chronological Order)

Book Blurb

"...the folk-literature of the machine age. W/out the industrial revolution, you might be reading rewrites of the Faerie Queene. But this isn't the case. No. Those antipodal themes, Pygmalion & Frankenstein, are w/us still. Our creations may kill or love. In this sense, the archetypes are still valid & probably always will be. Otherwise, tho, these writers were doing electric things long before Marshall M came along. They project, expand, guess upon & just plain fool around w/themes as current as the headlines & as timeless as Auden's four terms of Darkness, Silence, Nothing, Death."--Introduction The Cloud-Sculptors of Coral/J.G. All summer the cloud-sculptors would come from Vermilion Sands & sail their painted gliders above the coral towers that rose like pagodas beside the highway to Lagoon West.Aye, & Gomorrah/Samuel R. Delany "is a gentleman, an artist, He is gifted with a peculiar insight into the workings of the psyche & the English language. This particular story, however, is very science fiction, i.e. it expands upon, extrapolates, guesses at, a possible thing." Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes/Harlan W/an eight hole-card & a queen showing, w/the dealer showing a four up, Kostner decided to let the house do the work.Gonna Roll the Bones/Fritz All great gamblers have dark-shadowed deep-set eyes. But this one's eyes were sunk so deep you couldn't even be sure you were getting a gleam of them. They were inscrutability incarnate. They were unfathomable. They were black holes.Weyr Search/Anne "This piece...serves to show that, as Dante noted in at least three places, at the end of everything there are always stars."Behold the Man/Michael One of the the most important & controversial tales of the literary New Wave, a metaparable of the Christ story as both a universal cultural myth & a psychological gestalt.Mirror of Ice/Gary "Here is a story of freedom, violence, is something as cold & clean as a bottle of akvavit frozen into a block of ice or the winds that lash the highest mountains."

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